Gelişmiş Arama

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dc.contributor.advisorAteş, Abdurrahman
dc.contributor.authorÇetiner, Abdullah
dc.description.abstractCyprus island, as geographical, is a part of Anatolia. Because of this reality, the states which rule Anatolia also needed to rule Cyprus. The geopolitical and geostrategic importance of Cyprus island results from the role which play at the control of Middle East and East Mediterranean. Cyprus island is at a location which controls easyly entrance and leaving to Mersin and İskenderun ports. This İslans is at a location that can control the entire military and civilian sea tarnsportation. it rules the South coasts of Turkey and maritime line of israel and makes it possible to control sea transportation over Suez Canal and to reach to Middle East petroleum region. Middle East petroleum and petroleum transportation increase the importance of Cyprus island. Cyprus island, which has great importance for Turkey, had been tried to annex to Greece. And Enosis had been desired to realize with a coup in on July 20, 1974. Turkish Republic didn’t keep quiet against this coup and realized Cyprus Peace Operation. Cyprus Peace Operation was carried out in two stage. insufficient sources in hand was tried to use in a most productive way. Operation was accomplished loss of least supplies and man. in the Cyprus Peace Operation which needs joint training and coordination between Army, Navy andA ir Forces, Turkish troops succeed in spite of having limited droping, landing and air born means. During the first process, all landed Turkish Troops managed to join together by the end of three days. On the other hand, in this process Turkish troops were placed close together, and this caused critical situation for Turkish troops. So operation was stopped for a while according to the cease- fire of United Nation Security Council. When deliberation of Genevre wasn’t completed in a positive way after first operation, second process caused a situation which the same as today. This overseas operation, when compered with similiar cases, can be apprised succesful. First Operation for peace was responded by sympathy by international community, and it was supported. But the second operation wasn’t responded by the same emotion because of vital resons. Especiaally USA and Soviet Union reacted in negatine manner. After Peace Operation, embargo was applied towards Turkey by USA. As a conclusion of this, Turkey had started to use of its local supplies and Turkish Army industry had started to develop. v Sometimes, countries behave in a bad manner, if they come across contrary stiations. American embargos, confirmed this once more time. So value of the local supplies had increased. The Armed Forces of Turkey had completed the operation succesfully. They are also ready for new duties. The Armed Forces of Turkey, as in war, was entered into humanity services as fighting against natural disasteries and terorism.en_US
dc.publisherAfyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsüen_US
dc.subjectKıbrıs Adasıen_US
dc.titleKıbrıs Barış Harekatı'nda Kara Muharebelerien_US
dc.title.alternativeLand Battles in Cyprus Peace Operationen_US
dc.departmentAfyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Tarih Anabilim Dalıen_US

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