Antibiotic resistance to campylobacter spp. isolated from the livers of slaughtered ruminants and aborted ovine fetuses
Kenar, B. & Gökçe, M. (2019). Antibiotic Resistance To Campylobacter spp. Isolated from The Livers of Slaughtered Ruminants and Aborted Ovine Fetuses . Kocatepe Veterinary Journal , 12 (2) , 144-149 . DOI: 10.30607/kvj.505685Abstract
The presence of Campylobacter spp. obtained from clinically healthy 50 sheep, goats and cattle slaughtered in
slaughterhouses in Afyonkarahisar and Kutahya provinces and 44 aborted ovine fetuses obtained from the same
region was investigated in this study. The subtypes were isolated by culture methods and identified by API
Campy (Biomerieux, France) test kits. Campylobacter spp. was isolated from 7 samples (15.91%) out of 44 aborted
ovine fetuses. After identification of Campylobacter spp., it was determined that 5 samples (71.43%) out of 7 were
C. fetus subsp. fetus (71.43%) and 2 samples were C. jejuni (28.57%). Out of the 50 liver samples, Campylobacter spp.
was isolated from 3 ovine livers (6%) and 1 goat liver (2%). Three of the isolates were identified as C. jejuni (75%)
and 1 isolate as C. coli (25%). Campylobacter spp. was not isolated from cattle livers. Resistance rates for
ciprofloxacin and tetracycline were 45.5% and 27.3% for erythromycin and 9.1% for ampicillin. No resistance was
determined against gentamycin, chloramphenicol and streptomycin. The rate of susceptibility to antibiotics used
was 72.7% for ampicillin, 54.5% for erythromycin, 90.9% for gentamycin, 100% for chloramphenicol, 72.7% for
streptomycin and 27.3 % for ciprofloxacin and tetracycline. Bu çalışmada, Afyonkarahisar ve Kütahya illerinden mezbahalarda sağlıklı olarak kesilen koyun, keçi ve sığırlardan
alınan 50’şer adet karaciğer örneği ile yine aynı bölgeden temin edilen 44 aborte koyun fetüsünde, Campylobacter
spp. varlığı arandı. Kültür tekniğiyle izole edilen suşlar, API Campy (Biomerieux, France) test kitleriyle identifiye
edildi. İncelenen 44 aborte koyun fetüsünden, 7 adet (%15,91) Campylobacter spp. izole edildi. İdentifikasyonları
yapıldığında, örneklerin 5’inin C. fetus subsp. fetus (%71,43), 2’sinin C. jejuni (%28,57) olduğu tespit edildi. Ellişer
karaciğer örneğinden, 3 koyun karaciğerinde (%6) ve 1 keçi karaciğerinde (%2) Campylobacter spp. izole edildi.
İzolatların 3’ünün C. jejuni (%75), 1’inin C. coli (%25) olduğu tespit edildi. Sığır karaciğerlerinden ise Campylobacter
spp. izole edilemedi. Elde edilen 11 adet Campylobacter izolatının analizinde siprofloksasin ve tetrasikline %45,5,
eritromisine %27,3, ampisiline %9,1 oranında dirençlilik tespit edildi. Gentamisin, kloramfenikol ve streptomisine
karşı ise dirençlilik gözlenmedi. Kullanılan antibiyotikler için tespit edilen duyarlılık oranları, ampisiline %72,7,
eritromisine %54,5, gentamisine %90,9, kloramfenikole %100, streptomisine %72.7, siprofloksasin ve tetrasikline
%27,3 olarak bulundu.
Kocatepe Veteriner DergisiVolume
- Cilt 12 : Sayı 2 [16]
- Makaleler [63]