Güncel Gönderiler: Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 285, listelenen: 221-240
Türkçede bazı kişi adlarında argolaşma, kavramlaşma ve temsil
(Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, 2019)Kişi adları, temel anlamından hareketle kişilere, yer yer başka canlılara ad olarak verilen ve artık temel anlamıyla ilgisi hissedilmeyen donuklaşmış sözlerdir. Kullanımda bir kimsenin adını teşkil eden sözün temel anlamı ... -
Lacunary I_2-invariant convergence and some properties
(2018)In this paper, the concept of lacunary invariant uniform density of any subset A of the set N×N is defined. Associate with this, the concept of lacunary I_2-invariant convergence for double sequences is given. Also, we ... -
Epi-cesaro convergence
(2015)Since the turn of the century there have been several notions of convergence for subsets of metric spaces appear in the literature. Appearing in as a subset of these notions is the concepts of epi-convergence. In this ... -
Asymptotically I-Cesàro equivalence of sequences of sets
(Emrah Evren KARA, 2018)In this paper, we defined concepts of asymptotically I-Cesàro equivalence and investigate the relationships between the concepts of asymptotically strongly I-Cesàro equivalence, asymptotically strongly I-lacunary equivalence, ... -
Afyonkarahisar hastanelerinin etkinliklerinin veri zarflama analizi ile değerlendirilmesi
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2012)Bu çalışma Afyonkarahisar’daki Sağlık Bakanlığı’na bağlı hastanelerin etkinlik düzeylerinin veri zarflama analizi (VZA) yöntemi ile belirlenmesini amaçlamaktadır. VZA, parametrik olmayan bir etkinlik ölçüm yöntemi olup ... -
Lacunary I_σ-asimptotik denklik
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2017)Bu çalışmada, reel sayı dizileri için lacunary I_σ-asimptotik denklik, lacunary σ-asimptotik denklik ve p-kuvvetli lacunary σ-asimptotik denklik kavramları tanımlandı. Ayrıca, bu yeni denklik kavramları arasındaki ilişkiler ... -
I-Cesàro summability of sequences of sets
(Fractional Calculus and Application Group, 2017)In this paper, we defined concept of Wijsman I-Cesàro summability for sequences of sets and investigate the relationships between the concepts of Wijsman strongly I-Cesàro summability, Wijsman strongly I-lacunary summability, ... -
An extension of asymptotically lacunary statistical equivalence set sequences
(2013)This paper presents, for sequences of sets, the notions of asymptotically lacunary statistical equivalent (Wijsman sense) of multiple L, strongly asymptotically lacunary p-equivalent (Wijsman sense) of multiple L and ... -
Correlation between soil gas radon concentrations and terrestrial radioactivity (U-238 and Th-232) in Afyonkarahisar
(Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat Üniversitesi, 02.2019)Humans are exposed both to natural radiation from the radioactive elements that have existed in the earth's crust since the formation of the earth and to artificial radiation from medical applications and sparrows after ... -
Comparison of radon concentrations in soil gas and indoor environment of Afyonkarahisar province
(16 April 2)It is well known that radon is the main source of natural radiation exposure to the population. Indoor radon concentrations in an area are affected by ascending radon migration following the convection of groundwater and ... -
Asymptotically ideal invariant equivalence
(2018)In this paper, the concepts of asymptotically I_σ-equivalence, σ-asymptotically equivalence, strongly σ-asymptotically equivalence and strongly σ-asymptotically p-equivalence for real number sequences are defined. Also, we ... -
A generalization of I-asymptotically lacunary statistical equivalence of sequences of sets
(2014)This paper presents, for sequences of sets, a generalization of the concept of I-asymptotically lacunary statistical equivalence by using the sequence p=(p_k) which is the sequence of positive real numbers where I is an ... -
Proteomic analysis of flowers at two developmental stages in Thermopsis turcica (Fabaceae)
(2017)Flower development is a complex physiological phenomenon that is affected by environmental stimuli and endogenous signals. Several molecular approaches have provided a comprehensive view of the physiological processes ... -
Hydroxyapatite (HAP) coating with biomimetic method abstract
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2009)Biomimetik yöntemle hidroksiapatit (HAP) kaplama en gelecek vaat eden tekniklerden birisidir. Bu çalışmada, üç farklı ön yüzey işlemi (HNO3, anodik polarizasyon, 5 N NaOH-1 N HCl (BA)) altlıkların (Ti ve Ti6Al4V) yüzey ... -
Electrochemical determination of bisphenol a with pencil graphite electrodes modified with Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Fe(II) phthalocyaninetetrasulfonates
(The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, 2016)Pencil graphite electrodes modified with Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Fe(II) metallophthalocyaninetetrasulfonates (MePcTSs) were investigated for electrochemical determination of bisphenol A (BPA). Electrochemical performances ... -
Electrochemical corrosion behavior of high strength carbon steel in H2S-Containing alkaline brines
(The Electrochemical Society, 2015)The electrochemical corrosion behavior of high strength low alloy carbon steel API S-135 was investigated using in-situ electrochemical measurements, ex situ surface analyses, and software modeling in the alkaline brines ... -
The effect of alcohol on the passivation of Al alloys in 1 N H 2 SO 4 solution
(Pleiades Publishing, Ltd, 2010)In this study, the influence of different alcohol on the passivation of aluminium alloys have been investigated by using current potential curves. Experimental results show that the addition of alcohol in H2SO4 solution ... -
Methanol oxidation on Aluminium-Copper-Silicon alloys coated with polyprrole
(Pleiades Publishing, Ltd, 2012)Methanol oxidation on the aluminum copper silicon alloys which are coated with polyprrole were investigated in 1 N H2SO4 by using electrochemical method. For this purpose, first the current density potential curve of ... -
Corrosion behaviour of coatings on 304 steel
(ASIAN PUBLICATION CORPORATION, 2012)The aim of this study is to determine the corrosion characteristics of 304 steel by the methods of Tafel extrapolation, linear polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The steel surface is covered ... -
Effects of alcohols on the corrosion of aluminum alloys in 1 N HCl solution. Part II
(Pleiades Publishing, Ltd, 2008)The use of alcohols as cathodic inhibitors in HCl solution results in a negative shift of corrosion potential (Ecor). The alcohols concentration of 20 mM, was shown to be the best one. EDX analyses of the alloys showed ...