Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Characterization of acidic pumice and determination of its electrokinetic properties in water
(Elsevier, 12.09.2009)
In this study some characterization tests of acidic pumice were performed using various techniques such as
Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD),
Thermal Analysis ...
Determination of equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of Acid Red 88 adsorption onto montmorillonitic clay
(OAIMDD-EcoZone Publishing House, 01.01.2015)
The aim of this study is to evaluate adsorption kinetics, isotherms and thermodynamic parameters of anionic textile dye (Acid
Red 88) onto montmorillonitic clay from aqueous solutions. The parameters of pH, initial dye ...
Effect of mixing water types on the timedependent zeta potential of Portland cement paste
(De Gruyter, 18.03.2013)
The measurement of zeta potential (ZP) has
important applications in a wide range of industries
including ceramics, pharmaceuticals, medicine, mineral
processing, electronics, cement industry and water treatment.
Mineralogical and physicochemical properties of talc from Emirdaǧ, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
(Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 13.06.2013)
Lens-shaped talc deposits related to Mesozoic gabbroic rocks are exposed in an area of 2 km
, about 80 km northwest of
Afyonkarahisar (western Anatolia). Different alteration zones in talc deposits were determined depending ...
Eskişehir-Mihalıçcık kaolenlerinin elektrokinetik özellikleri
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 01.08.2011)
Bu çalışmada, Eskişehir-Mihalıçcık ilçesi Ahırözü ve Üçbaşlı köylerindeki kil yataklarından temin edilen
kaolen numuneleri karakterize edilerek, su içerisinde elektrokinetik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu
kapsamda, her ...
Investigation of equilibrium, kinetic, thermodynamic and mechanism of basic blue 16 adsorption by montmorillonitic clay
(Springer, 20.02.2013)
The adsorption of a cationic dye, Basic Blue 16
(BB16), by montmorillonitic clay was studied in detail.
Changes in the molecular structure during adsorption were
analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy. BB16 adsorption onto ...
Turbidity removal from wastewaters of natural stone processing by coagulation/flocculation methods
(WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 17.04.2009)
The effectiveness of coagulation (at pH values of 6, 7.5, and 9), flocculation (at pH 9),
and coagulation plus flocculation (at pH 9) on turbidity removal from natural stone
(travertine) processing wastewaters (NSPW) ...
Bazik mavi-16 boyarmaddesinin kil üzerine adsorpsiyonu
(EJOSAT, 05.07.2014)
Katyonik bir boya olan bazik mavi-16 (BB16)’nın kesikli bir sistemde montmorillonitik kil üzerine adsorpsiyonu çalışıldı ve
adsorpsiyon dengesi, adsorpsiyon termodinamiği ve adsorpsiyon mekanizmaları incelendi. Bu kapsamda ...
Saf C S fazının zamana bağlı zeta potansiyel (ZP) değişimi ile hidratasyon davranışı (prizlenme) arasındaki ilişki 3
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 01.12.2014)
Bu çalışmada, gerçek şartlar altında (su/çimento(w/c) oranı: 0.5) normal portland çimentosunun (PÇ) saf
) klinker fazının zamana bağlı zeta potansiyel (ZP) ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen ZP
eğrileri, ...