Now showing items 1-4 of 4
On the investigation of the energy efficiency using PID and fuzzy logic controllers in a marble machine
(EMaTTech Journals, 2012)
Energy consumption is the main cost item in the cutting machines with diamond segmented circular sawblade. Therefore, there are many benefits of taking measures for reducing the energy consumption. The aim of presented ...
Improvement of energy efficiency using a multi-input fuzzy logic controller in a stone cutting machine
(ASTM, 2018)
Block cutter machines (BCMs) are commonly used in the manufacturing of natural stones.
Although the energy consumption of the BCM is affected by the rotation speed of the blade, depth
of cut, and traverse speed, these ...
On the design of an intelligent battery charge controller for PV panels
(EMaTTech Journals, 2012)
The electricity generations of photo voltaic (PV) panels are strongly related with insolation and temperature. The insolation and temperature are not stable, since the electricity generations of the PV panels are not stable. ...
A remotely accessible solar tracker system design
(AIP, 2014)
In this paper, a new solar tracking system designed and constructed at Afyon Kocatepe University to maximize the efficiencies of different photovoltaic (PV) panels is proposed. The system is composed of two main parts: ...