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dc.contributor.authorBaig, M.R.
dc.identifier.citationBaig, M.R. " Scattering of 10 Mev 238U Heavy Ions with Silver Target Using Cr-39." AKU Journal of Science 9, Sayı.1 (2009) : 91-96.en_US
dc.description.abstractA typical thickness of 1.2 mg cm-2 of the target layer silver was coated by vacuum deposition on the surface of detector CR-39. The target detector assemblies were irradiated at normal incidence to a fluence of 106 ions cm -2 sec-1 at GSI Darmstadt Germany. The target layers were then removed from the surface of the irradiated detectors, which were subsequently etched in NaOH solution for 3 hours at a temperature of 70 Co in order to reveal the nuclear tracks in the detector. The detectors were scanned for the observation of different events using an optical microscope and their track lengths and angular distributions with the beam were studied to investigate the characteristics of this interaction. From the length frequency distributions of binary events, it is seen that particles having lengths in the range between 90-110 ^ m are emitted with maximum probability of 50% as compared with shorter tracks of 20 % probality. It is also observed that the probabilities of emission of projectiles and target with respect to the beam direction are maximum in the intervals of 15 to 20 0.en_US
dc.publisherAfyon Kocatepe Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectScattering ,Heavy Ions ,Enchant, Track Length, Frequency Distributionen_US
dc.titleScattering of 10 Mev 238U Heavy Ions with Silver Target Using Cr-39en_US
dc.title.alternativeScattering ,Heavy Ions ,Enchant, Track Length, Frequency Distributionen_US
dc.relation.journalFen Bilimleri Dergisien_US
dc.departmentDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, College of Scienceen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Yayınıen_US

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