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dc.contributor.authorKeskin, Diren
dc.contributor.authorBayram, İsmail
dc.identifier.citationKeskin,D., Bayram,İ. (2019).Using FT-NIR Calibration to Determine Soybean Meal Amount in Concentrated Feed Ration Mixtures for Laying Hens.International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research.5(9):17-24.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted quantitatively to find out the amount of soybean meal used in the concentrate feeds of laying hen by using near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) technique. For this purpose, 30 different concentrated feed ration mixtures of 1 kg each was prepared for laying hens by increasing the concentration up to 30 %. The functional NIR spectra of feed mixtures were obtained at wavelengths of 10000-4000 nm / cm which were evaluated by applying PLS (Partial Least Square) method on the second derivative. In the normalization study, SNV (Standard Normal Variate) method was applied. In addition, data obtained from first order (1st Derivation B Cap 5 Points Gap 2) were prepared for regression. The linear regression method was applied to the normalized spectra by subtracting the Outlier values from the calibration set and in this way the calibration quality parameters were revealed. At this stage, the standard deviations of the R2 value, validation and calibration set were calculated. According to the reflections, the graphs obtained with regression coefficients were taken. In addition, sum of the squares for estimating residual error (V-Set PRESS) of the validation set was also revealed. Outlier values were not part of study because of low calibration quality. In the research, R value was determined as 0.9947, R2 value, 0.9894 and standard deviation value as 0.6762 of calibration set. Moreover, R value was determined as 0.9919, R2 value, 0.9839 and standard deviation value as 0.8398 of validation set and the principal component value (Principal Components) were found to be around 14. The regression consistency was between 80-110 and it was obtained by dividing standard error value (SEC) of calibration to standard error of estimation (SEP). In conclusion it is evident from the results that method of FT-NIR spectroscopy is a reliable way to determine the extent at which the soybean meal is quantitatively used in laying hen feed mixtures.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAKÜ-BAPK. Proje No:16 SAGBIL.18en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Scientific and Technological Researchen_US
dc.subjectSoybean Mealen_US
dc.subjectQuantitative Amountsen_US
dc.titleUsing FT-NIR calibration to determine soybean meal amount in concentrated feed ration mixtures for laying hensen_US
dc.relation.journalInternational Journal of Scientific and Technological Researchen_US
dc.departmentVeteriner Fakültesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarıen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorBayram, İsmail

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