About the opportunity of a permanent peace in today’s world: Kantian perpetual peace
KAYA, Mustafa (2017). "About the Opportunity of a Permanent Peace in Today’s World: Kantian Perpetual Peace", New Horizons in Philosophy and Sociology, Ed. Hülya Yaldır, Güncel Önkal, Peter Lang, pp. 69-84Özet
it is seen that ideas argued by Kant toot place partially, and we see there are difficulties in reaching them in today's conditions. Just as personel interests are brought under control only to certain aspects, interests of the governments could be brought under control only to a certain aspect. However, big countries do not take a step towards perpetual peace both for themselves and humanity as they give particular importance to their interests. Whenever self-seeker relations are abandoned and a sense of federation based on mutual agreements could be performed and practiced properly, as indicated by Kant, then an expectation of peace will rise. However, history has shown us that such an event has not taken place so far. As long as technological developments increase acrross the world, raw material and market seeking will continue. However, as Kant said, the perpetual peace is not an empty idea, but rather a task which, carried out graduall, steadily moves toward its goal (since the periods in which equal advances are made will hopefully grow shorter and shorter.