Güncel Gönderiler: WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 108, listelenen: 1-20
Thermodynamic optimization and thermoeconomic evaluation of Afyon biogas plant assisted by organic rankine cycle for waste heat recovery
(Pergamon, 01.06.2022)The use of biomass in energy conversions is important for a renewable and sustainable energy future. Compared to other renewable energy sources, biomass is one of the important advantages of being stored and used in times ... -
Design and optimization of multigeneration biogas power plant using waste heat recovery System: A case study with Energy, Exergy, and thermoeconomic approach of Power, cooling and heating
(Elsevier, 15.09.2022)This study modeled and analyzed transforming an operational biogas power plant into a trigeneration system with power, cooling, and heating. In this context, the energy, exergy, and optimum unit energy costs of this ... -
Effects of the regenerator on engine performance of a rhombic drive beta type stirling engine
(Taylor & Francis, 08/04/2021)Regenerative cycles have higher thermal efficiency than other closed cycles because of their heat recovery capability. In this manner, Stirling engines have advantage because regeneration can be applied easily to the cycle. ... -
Optimization of the operating conditions of a beta-type rhombic drive stirling engine by using response surface method
(Pergamon, 01.05.2020)The aim of this paper is to provide a multi-objective model to evaluate the effect of engine working parameters on the performance characteristics of a beta-type Stirling engine. The second objective of the study is to ... -
Development of models for green hydrogen production of Turkey geothermal Resources: A case study demonstration of thermodynamics and thermoeconomics analyses
(Elsevier, 01.03.2024)The transition to sustainable and clean energy sources has become imperative in the face of global climate change concerns. Hydrogen is a versatile and environmentally friendly energy carrier among the potential solutions. ... -
Investigation of green hydrogen production and development of waste heat recovery system in biogas power plant for sustainable energy applications
(Pergamon, 12.08.2023)In this study, biogas power production and green hydrogen potential as an energy carrier are evaluated from biomass. Integrating an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) to benefit from the waste exhaust gases is considered. The ... -
Developing a mobile application with geo-analytic tools to perform real estate valuation within smart cities
(Taylor and Francis, 05.03.2024)Urban land management policies and applications require comprehensive information about real estate development dynamics and value criteria. In this study, geo-analytic tools and a mobile app were produced for residential ... -
Classifying scuba diving sites through diver reviews with a web scraping based utadis application
(Croatian Operational Research Society, 19.12.2021)This research addresses the utilization of user-defined and web-based data for decisionmaking in recreational activities, focusing on the case of scuba diving, a globally significant recreational pursuit. While a wealth ... -
An empirical analysis of securitization discourse in the European Union
(Transnational Press London, 2022)This study aims to analyse the empirical background of securitisation in the European Union (EU). Using panel data, this research covers the period between 2006 and 2018 and analyses 24 EU countries. Copenhagen School ... -
Shifting policies, changing lives: The local development and privatization nexus in single-industry towns
(Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, 29/12/2023)This paper dwells on how single-industry towns (SITs) locally develop and are affected by the privatization of those dominant sectors. To do so, we attempt to discuss the potential results of local development and privatization ... -
XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında Kıbrıs’ta diplomat arkeologların eski eser araştırmaları
(İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 20.07.2022)Çalışmada kadim bir geçmişe sahip olan Kıbrıs’ta XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında görev yapan Amerikalı ve Avrupalı diplomatların eski eser araştırmaları irdelendi. 1850’ler ve 1870’ler arasında Kıbrıs arkeolojisinde etkin ... -
The totally symmetric Raman stretching vibration v(Mo-Mo) of quadruple molybdenum–molybdenum bonds varies linearly with the mass of molybdenum and its ligands
(Springer, 01.09.2013)The electronic (400±800 nm), i.r. and Raman (20± 400 cm)1 ) spectra of several hexahalo-di(aquo)dimolybdate(II) anions, Mo2X6 H2O 2ÿ 2 (X = Cl, Cl/Br, Br and I) containing quadruple metal±metal bonds have been investigated. ... -
Klasik Türk edebiyatında izleri görülen marjinal bir edip: Ebû Nüvâs
(Bilimname, 30.04.2022)Klasik Arap edebiyatının hemen her alanında yetkinlik kazanmış edip Ebû Nüvâs (öl. 198/813 [?]), edebiyatta yenilikçi hareketin önemli temsilcilerindendir. Özellikle mücûn (müstehcen), hamriyyât (şarap) ve mizaha yönelik ... -
Regional development agencies in Turkey on the scope of governance and local elites: An evaluation after 10-years-experience
(2020)Under the influence of globalization and the European Union membership accession process, important administrative reform initiatives have been taken in Turkey in the 2000s in the framework of economic, social, political, ... -
Problems and solution offers related to the vocational and technical orientation in Turkey
(Şubat 2015)When we look at the process during which the need for manpower in the sectors related to production, decreased and a system based on automation, was implemented along with the use of technology in the production; the ... -
An investigation on renewable energy education at the university level in Turkey
(2011)In the present study, to discover how teaching of renewable energy sources in Turkey is carried out at the university level, a questionnaire was developed and applied at different universities in Turkey. The analyses ... -
Diffusion bonding of AZ91 using a silver interlayer
(Nisan 2008)Diffusion bonding of AZ91 alloy with a silver interlayer was carried out at 480C for different times under 1 MPa in a vacuum of 2x10^-3Pa. Shear test was applied to measure the shear strengths of the joints in the room ... -
Determination of actual dissolution rates from some rock properties in construction of deep salt cavern for natural gas storage
(Elsevier, 2020)Available energy resources should be efficiently used to meet the global energy demand. The storage of energy resources, especially as natural gas, is important to balance extreme fluctuations in demand and supply of energy. ... -
The relations between North Atlantic Oscillation and minimum temperature in Turkey
(Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014)It has been observed that there is a significant negative correlation between the average temperature values taken from the 32 stations chosen across Turkey and the North Atlantic Oscillation. However, more interestingly ... -
Experimental and statistical evaluation of cutting methods in relation to specific energy and rock properties
(Springer, 2013)In a processing plant, natural stone can be cut by methods such as circular sawing (CS), frame sawing (FS), water jet cutting (WJC) and abrasive water jet cutting (AWJC). The efficiency of cutting systems can be compared ...