Determination of d-dimer levels in calves with cryptosporidiosis
Cıngı, C. Ç. , Kabu, M. , Erdoğan, H. , Haydardedeoğlu, A. E. & Ural, K. (2019). Determination of D-Dimer Levels in Calves with Cryptosporidiosis . Kocatepe Veterinary Journal , 12 (4) , 396-399 . DOI: 10.30607/kvj.599089Özet
The aim of the present study was emphasized to estimation of D-dimer levels among calves with
cryptosporodiosis. The study was conducted on 1-3 weeks old, 11 Holstein calves with Cryptosporidiosis (study
group) and on 1-3 weeks old ten healthy Holstein calves (control group). Diagnosis of Cryptosporidiosis made by
rapid test kits. Blood samples were taken from each animal, by puncture of the jugular vein and were collected
into plain tubes without anticoagulant. D-dimer concentrations were detected by fluorescent immunoassay
techniques in both study and control group calves. As a result, D-dimer values were significantly increased in
infected calves when compared with the control group animals. Bu araştırmada kriptosporodiyazisli buzağılarda kan D-dimer seviyelerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmış olup,
çalışmanın materyalini 1-3 haftalık, hızlı test kitleri ile Kriptosporidiyazis belirlenen 11 Holstein buzağı (çalışma
grubu) ve 1-3 haftalık on sağlıklı Holstein buzağı (kontrol grubu) oluşturmuştur. Her buzağının, v. jugularis'lerinden
alınan kan örnekleri antikoagülansız tüplere toplanmış, D-dimer konsantrasyonları, hem çalışma hem de kontrol
grubu buzağılarda floresan immunoassey tekniği ile belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, D-dimer seviyeleri, kontrol grubu
hayvanlara kıyasla enfekte buzağılarda önemli ölçüde yüksek saptanmıştır.
Kocatepe Veteriner DergisiCilt
- Cilt 12 : Sayı 4 [16]
- Makaleler [63]