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dc.contributor.authorDemirkol, Atahan
dc.contributor.authorToprak, Duygu
dc.contributor.authorSözgen, Merve Ceren
dc.contributor.authorOyan, Mesude Aslınur
dc.identifier.citationDemirkol, A., Toprak, D., Sözgen, M. C., ve Oyan, M. A. (2021, 5 Kasım). European Pact on Migration and Asylum: A Sacrifice or Normative Values for Efficiency? METUMIR.
dc.descriptionBlog post on METUMIRen_US
dc.description.abstractOn 23 September 2020, the European Commission proposed a new Pact on Migrants and Asylum for a more holistic migration management system that is suggested to be reliable and predictable with comprehensive approaches. The Pact is based on two main "developments" to the current challenges at borders. Firstly, it is expected to vastly accelerate the procedures, which are proposed to be limited to 5 days for the initial process and 12 weeks in total for the appeal period. Therefore, neither borders will be piled up with migrants, nor those migrants will have to wait in the detention centers for a longer period. The second aspect of the Pact is to ensure fair burden-sharing and solidarity of the host Member States which are entitled to relocate the migrants in (or in the name of) another Member State, to encourage those who have been seeking asylum to return or to provide operational support unless they are able to perform the first two actions. As such, the Pact is claimed to strengthen internal and external management with common governance of migration not by an individual Member State but by the whole EU.en_US
dc.subjectEuropean Unionen_US
dc.subjectPact on Migration and Asylumen_US
dc.titleEuropean pact on migration and asylum: A sacrifice or normative values for efficiency?en_US
dc.title.alternativeAvrupa göç ve iltica paktı: Verimlilik için bir fedakarlık mı yoksa normatif değerler mi?en_US
dc.departmentFakülteler, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorDemirkol, Atahan

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