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Toplam kayıt 14, listelenen: 1-14
3rd grade students’ status of spending time with their families and implementation of values education in family in the turkish context
(International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 15.06.2019)The purpose of this study was to determine how the primary school students spent their time with the parents and how their families spent their time with children and try to give the study group the value of giving importance ... -
The effects of 3D multi-user virtual environments on freshmen university students' conceptual and spatial learning and presence in departmental orientation
(Elsevier, 16.03.2016)Search ScienceDirect Advanced Outline Highlights Abstract Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical framework and relevant literature 3. Methodology 4. Findings 5. Discussion 6. Conclusion and future work Ackno ... -
Newspapers published by the employees against their employers in Turkey: Haber and Basin
(Osmanlı Medeniyeti Araştırmaları Dergisi, 19.12.2023)Takvim-i Vekayi started to be published in 1831 and was the first Turkish newspaper published in the Ottoman Empire period. The number of newspapers published in the Ottoman Empire started to increase after 1860. As a ... -
İnsan iç dünyasının anlamlandırılması maupassant ya da istemenin bedeli
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 1999)Maupassant’da “İstemek, insanın mutsuzluğunun kaynağıdır; acının kaynağı yoksun kalmadır” . İstemenin bedeli, ölmek ya da yaşarken ölmektir Maupassant öykülerinde. -
Esnek yapılı deyimler üzerine
(2011)Sözvarlığında kavramları renkli bir şekilde ifade eden deyimler, söz dizimi ve anlam yönünden sınırlandırılmış birlikteliklerdir. Barındırdığı sözcükler arasında çok sıkı bir ilişki vardır. Fakat dilde bazı deyimlerde bu ... -
Sözlük tanımlamalarında kavramlar arası ilişkilendirmede görev alan sözcükler (fiilimsiler)
(2015)Sözlüklerde sözcüklerin tanımlarına baktığımızda genel olarak sözcüğün karşıladığı kavramın içinde bulunduğu bir tür ismi ile bu tür içerisinde kendisini diğerlerinden farklı kılan özelliği/özellikleri karşılayan sözcükten/ ... -
Sociocultural adjustment of international students at Turkish Universities
(International Journal of Language Academy, 2015)In recent years, countries especially well-developed ones have been striving in order to fascinate international students to study in their countries. However, in Turkey, the majority of studies have focused on raising ... -
A comparative analysis of lexical bundles used by native and non-native scholars
(English Language Teaching, 2016)In the recent years, globalization prepared a ground for English to be the lingua franca of the academia. Thus, most highly prestigious international journals have defined their medium of publications as English. However, ... -
The interplay between text-based vocabulary size and reading comprehension of Turkish EFL learners
(EDAM, 2016)Reading is an indispensable skill for learners who desire success throughout their academic lives, and vocabulary knowledge is a sine qua non companion of reading comprehension. Despite being inextricably related entities, ... -
Perceptions of Turkish University Students about the Role of Teacher as a Mediator and Mediated Learning Experience
(The Literacy Trek, 2017)This study explores the perceptions of university students about Feuerstein’s mediated learning experience (MLE) and the role of teacher as a mediator. In this qualitative study, students from 4 departments at an education ... -
Sözlük içi gönderimler ve sözlüğün işlevi
(Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 2017)Genel olarak sözlükler, dilde kullanılan sözcüklerin belirli bir düzen içerisinde sıralanıp tanımlandığı başvuru eserleri şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır. Sözlükte yer alacak maddelerin belirlenmesi ve tanımlamaların şekillendirilmesi ... -
The tensions between EFL teacher identities and INSET in the Turkish Context
(Profile: Issues in Teachers´ Professional Development, 2017)Due to the insufficiency of current in-service training courses which are far from the collaboration and the reflection of teachers, the current study scrutinizes the incongruities between teacher identities and in-service ... -
Ortaokul öğrencilerinin bitkilerde çimlenme ve büyüme konusundaki kavram yanılgılarının tahmin-gözlem-açıklama yöntemi ile incelenmesi
(2019)Canlıların sınıflandırılmasında yer alan ve yaşamın temel kaynaklarından birisi olan bitkiler, evrenin oksijen santrali olma görevini üstlenir. İnsanoğlu için de önemli bir yere sahip olan bitkiler ve bitkilerin yaşamsal ... -
It was found that…: Introductory it patterns by native and non-native authors
(Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2019)Introductory it pattern, as in it was found that, is of significance in academic writing but the use of introductory it might be challenging especially for native- and non-native students and non-native academic writers. ...