Güncel Gönderiler: Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 285, listelenen: 1-20
Modern eğitime geçişte finansman sorununa çözüm olarak Basra Evkaf-ı Münderisesi
(Kesit Akademi Dergisi, 2024)Bu çalışma, Osmanlı Devleti’nin son döneminde özellikle XIX. yüzyılın son çeyreği ile XX. yüzyılın başlarında eğitimin modernleştirilmesi mücadelesinde yaşanan finansman sorunlarına çözüm argümanı olarak görülen münderis ... -
1757 Yılında Şam hac kafilesi ve Hicaz: Tedbirler ve olaylar
(2023)Hac, Hicaz ve Arap coğrafyasının en mühim sosyal, dini ve ekonomik olgularından biridir. Zaman ve mekân olarak sınırlandırılması nedeniyle günümüzde olduğu gibi geçmişte de yolculuklar, güvenlik, idare ve menâsikin ifası ... -
Hemdemî’ni̇n Fi̇hri̇st-i̇ Şâhân’ına yazılan yeni̇ bi̇r zeyi̇l
(03.12.2021)Bu makale ile okuyucuya sunulan metin, Hemdemî’nin Fihrist-i Şâhân’ının yeni bir nüshası ve zeylinden oluşmaktadır. Müellif, ismini veya mahlasını belirtmemiştir. Millî Kütüphane’de bulunan yazma bir esmayıhüsna metninin ... -
Nizamülmülk'te ahlak siyaset i̇lişkisi
(Bidge Yayınları, 2024)Nizamülmülk, İslam düşünce tarihi içerisinde önemli bir yere sahip olan Siyasetname adlı bir eser kaleme almıştır. Bu eseri devrin ileri gelen devlet ve ilim adamlarına yol göstermek, öğüt vermek amacıyla kaleme almıştır. ... -
Ziya Gökalp'in toplum felsefesi
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2024)Ziya Gökalp, Osmanlı’nın en çalkantılı ve dönüşümün en hızlı olduğu zamanda yaşamış bir düşünür ve siyaset adamıdır. Gökalp, daha ziyade bir sosyolog olarak bilinmesine rağmen yaşadığı dönemin Türkiye’sinde yapılan yoğun ... -
Environmentally friendly silver nanoparticles synthesized from Verbascum nudatum var. extract and evaluation of its versatile biological properties and dye degradation activity
(Springer Nature, 18.04.2024)In the present study, green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (VNE-AgNPs) via Verbascum nudatum extract was carried out for the frst time. The synthesized AgNPs were characterized by diferent spectral methods such as UV–vis, ... -
Application of electron beam irradiation technique for shelf-life extension of animal food products
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 31.12.2020)For food processing gamma rays, electron beam and X-rays are used for disinfection of microorganisms and for extension of the shelf-life of the food. Electron beam irradiation process and its facilities are discussed ... -
Artuklularda iktisadî faaliyetler ve sosyo-kültürel etkileri
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2019)Malazgirt zaferi sonrası Anadolu’da kurulan ilk Türk beyliklerinden biri olan Artuklular, Amid (Diyarbekir), Mardin, Meyyâfârikîn (Silvan), Nusaybin, Düneysir (Kızıltepe), Hısn-ı Keyfâ (Hasankeyf) ve Harput’ta hüküm sürerken ... -
Wijsman and Hausdorff statistical convergence of order α for double set sequences
(3rd International Congress on Science and Education, 2019)The concept of statistical convergence was introduced by Steinhaus (1951) and Fast (1951), and later reintroduced by Schoenberg (1959) independently. Then, many researchers have studied on this concept until recently (see ... -
Wijsman ptrongly p-Cesàro summability and Wijsman statistical convergence of order α for double set sequences
(3rd International Congress on Science and Education, 2019)The concept of statistical convergence was introduced by Steinhaus (1951) and Fast (1951), and later reintroduced by Schoenberg (1959) independently. Then, many researchers have studied on this concept until recently (see ... -
Wijsman quasi-invariant convergence
(International Conference on Mathematical and Related Sciences, 2018)In this study, we defined the concepts of Wijsman quasi-invariant convergence, Wijsman quasi-strongly invariant convergence and Wijsman quasi q-strongly invariant convergence. Also, we give the concept of Wijsman quasi-invariant ... -
On quasi-lacunary invariant convergence of sequences of sets
(International Conference on Analysis and Its Applications, 2018)In this study, we give definitions of Wijsman quasi-lacunary invariant convergence, Wijsman strongly quasi-lacunary invariant convergence and Wijsman quasi-lacunary invariant statistically convergence for sequences of sets. ... -
Asymptotically lacunary I_σ-equivalence of sequences of sets
(2018)In this study, we introduce the concepts of Wijsman p-strongly asymptotically lacunary invariant equivalence ([W_{N_{θσ}}^L ]_p), Wijsman asymptotically lacunary I-invariant equivalence (W_{I_{σθ}}^L) and Wijsman asymptotically ... -
Asymptotically lacunary ... statistical equivalence for double set sequences defined by modulus functions
(lnternational Congress on Science and Education, 2019)Son zamanlarda reel sayıların istatistiksel yakınsaklık kavramı ideal yakınsaklık kavramına genişletilerek birçok matematikçi tarafından çalışılmıştır. Fast (1951) ve Schoenberg (1959) istatistiksel yakınsaklık kavramını ... -
Some uniform continuity definitions for real valued functions and some properties
(International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 2017)The purpose of this study is to give some uniform continuity definitions for real valued functions and investigate some properties about these concepts. -
Some properties of 2-dimensional interval numbers
(International Conference on Mathematical and Related Sciences, 2018)In this paper, we will introduce the notion of convergence of two dimensional interval sequences and show that the set of all two dimensional interval numbers is a metric space. Also, some ordinary vector norms will be ... -
Some asymptotically equivalence types for sequences of sets
(International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 2017)In this study, the concepts of asymptotically ideal Cesàro equivalence are defined and the relationships among the concepts of asymptotically strongly ideal Cesàro equivalence, asymptotically strongly ideal lacunary ... -
Asymptotically I_2-Cesàro equivalence of double sequences of sets
(International Conference on Analysis and Its Applications, 2016)In this paper, we defined the concepts of asymptotically I_2-Cesàro equivalence and investigate the relationships between the concepts of asymptotically strongly I_2-Cesàro equivalence, asymptotically strongly I_2-lacunary ... -
Wijsman statistical convergence of double sequences of sets
(International Conference on Analysis and Its Applications, 2016)In this paper, we study the concepts of Wijsman statistical convergence, Hausdorff statistical convergence and Wijsman statistical Cauchy double sequences of sets and investigate the relationships between them. -
I-Cesàro summability of sequences of sets
(International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2015)In this paper, we defined concept of Wijsman I-Cesàro summability for sequences of sets and investigate the relationship between the concepts of Wijsman strongly I-Cesàro summability, Wijsman strongly I-lacunary summability, ...