Gelişmiş Arama

Toplam kayıt 9022, listelenen: 3579-3598

      Immunite [2]
      Immunohistokimya [1]
      IMS [1]
      In the era that we bear witness, that is an obligation for the enterprises to gain newly produced management knowledge and to use this knowledge appropriately and effectively in order to gain long term competing advantages. In this study, the actors that have a part in spreading of management knowledge which has been produced in developed countries are determined and the role of counselor firms is examined. In the research, first of all, the term “management counseling” is deliberated, subsequently the diffuse of American-based management knowledge into Europe is discussed. As a part of this diffusion, the counseling in Turkey, which is claimed to take root from the Marshall Plan and American Technical Aid Programme is examined in respect of periods. Furthermore, the development of local counselor firms and the part that they have taken in the transfer of foreign-based management knowledge are analyzed. Finally, it is seen that so far Turkey has not been able to produce management knowledge, thus the necessary management knowledge was initially transferred from USA and later on European countries and supplied to local market after being reproduced on local perceptions. [1]
      Inconel 718 [1]
      indirgenmez morfizm [1]
      Industrial Marketing [1]
      Infectious Bursal Disease [1]
      Infertility [1]
      Influencer [1]
      Information [1]
      Information Security [1]
      Information Security Awareness [1]
      inhibisyon [1]
      inovasyon performansı [1]
      inovatif [1]
      INS1-E Beta Hücresi [1]
      Insarag [1]
      Instagram [3]
      Intelligent Transportation Systems [1]