Başlık için Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü listeleme
Toplam kayıt 28, listelenen: 1-20
Assessment of the vibration on the foam legged and sheet metal legged passenger seat
(Şubat 2016)In this study, it was aim ed to decrease the vibration reaching to passenger from the legs of vehicle seats. In order to determine the levels of vibrations reaching at passengers, a test pad placed under the passenger ... -
Bir dingilli tarım arabaları fren etkinlik derecesinin artırılması üzerine bir araştırma
(Ocak 1999)Bir dingilli 3 ton kapasitesi tarım arabalarında kullanılan çarpma etkili fren sisteminin etkinlik derecesi artırılmaya çaışılmıştır. Çarpma etkili fren mekanizmasındaki mafsal ve yataklarda sürtünme katsayısının minumum ... -
Bir sismik kütlesinin titreşim üreten cisme göre bağıl yerdeğişiminin matematiksel modeli
(Kasım 2000)Titreşim ölçme aleti olan sismometre incelenmiştir. Aletin sönüm faktörürünün değiştirilmesiyle geniş ölçme frekansına bağlı küçük genliklerin belirtilmesinde doğru sonular elde edilmiştir -
The clinching joints strength performance of EN 10346: 2015 DX52D + Z sheets
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 24.02.2021)This study is based on the joint quality of zinc-coated EN 10346: 2015 DX52D + Z quality steel sheets with having different thicknesses, which are preferred in the automotive industry due to their formability. Joining ... -
A comparative approach to the cad model of a dog femur
(Nisan 2016)Computer assisted technologies offer new opportunities in medical imaging and rapid prototyping in biomechanical engineering. Three dimensional (3D) modelling of soft tissues and bones are becoming more important. The ... -
Dairesel ve prizmatik makine elemanlarında oluşan çatlağın deneysel modal analiz yöntemiyle belirlenmesi
(6 th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, 2011)The machine is used as the elements of circular prismatic parts and vibration response was measured under external forces. Cracks formed on a sample of each solid sample were compared with their response. For this ... -
Damping properties of open pore aluminum foams produced by vacuum casting and NaCl dissolution process
(Metellurgija, Nisan 2013)In this study,damping ratios of 3 samples made of aluminum foam material, which have diff erent-density pores, were calculated, the eff ects pore density on damping were examined. Experimental modal analysis method was ... -
Determination of diametral error using finite elements and experimental method
(Nisan 2010)This study concerns experimental and numerical analysis on a one-sided bound workpiece on the lathe machine. Cutting force creates deflection on workpiece while turning process is on. Deflection quantity is estimated ... -
Diffusion bonding of AZ91 using a silver interlayer
(Nisan 2008)Diffusion bonding of AZ91 alloy with a silver interlayer was carried out at 480C for different times under 1 MPa in a vacuum of 2x10^-3Pa. Shear test was applied to measure the shear strengths of the joints in the room ... -
The Effects of cutting methods surface roughness of aluminum porous material produced via vacuum method
(2011)In this study, the surface roughness values of 3 aluminum porous materials, which were produced via vacuum method and have different porous structures, depending on the implemented cutting method after processing them ... -
Effects of total quality management on teachers and students
(2013)In educational establishments, a study has been done on the results of Total Quality Management (TQM) between student and teacher. Training prudential students in company with a coherence and solidarity by the educational ... -
Eğitimde toplam kalite yönetimi
(Eylül 2004)Eğitim sistemi nitelikli mezunlar verme de başarısız olursa bu başarısızlığın faturasını ya işletmeler yeniden eğitim için milyarlar harcayarak yada toplum kalitesiz mal ve hizmetlere katlanarak ödeyecektir. -
An empirical study investigating the teaching of renewable energy sources which are important in the global financial crisis environment at university level. What others manifest
(World Econ Theory Turbul Global Finance Crisis, Mart 2010)In the present study, to discover how teaching of renewable energy sources in Turkey is carried out at the university level, a questionnaire was developed and administered at different universities in Turkey. The analyses ... -
Frequency analysis of a reflector that is foldable as compact and can be opened automatically
(Mayıs 2013)In this study, design and product of ~ scaled mode of a composite reflector, which can be used on small satellites that have 6 m diameter in full-scale version and is thought to be worked in Ku frequency band range, has ... -
Gözenekli malzemelerin sönümlemeye etkisi
(Ekim 2011)Gözenekli ve gözeneksiz malzemelerin titreşim büyüklüğü araştırılmıştır. Metalik köpükler kullanılmıştır. Köpük doğal bir ürün değildir. Kapalı ve açık hücreli metalik köpükler mevcuttur. Gözenekli ... -
An investigation on renewable energy education at the university level in Turkey
(2011)In the present study, to discover how teaching of renewable energy sources in Turkey is carried out at the university level, a questionnaire was developed and applied at different universities in Turkey. The analyses ... -
Kütlenin taşıt titreşimine etkisinin modal analizi kullanılarak belirlenmesi
(Makine Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, Ocak 2009)Aracın, dört serbestlik derecede hareketi incelenmiştir. Modal analiz metodu uygulanmış, hesaplamalar için MATLAB da bir program yazılmıştır. Araçtaki kütlenin artışı, titreşim genliğinin azalmasına sebep olmuştur. Sönüm ... -
Mesleki ve teknik eğitimde eğitim modeli tasarımı
(2011)Türkiyedeki eğitim sistemi mesleki ve teknik eğitim sorunları kalifiye insan gücü yetiştirme ve çok amaçlı lise modeli üzerinde durulmuştur. -
Ortagonal kesme işleminde takım talaş temas uzunluğundaki değişimin araştırılması
(Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Ekim 2009)The tool-chip contact length has an important effect in view of tool life and tool wear in machining process. An increase in tool-chip contact length may results in a decrease of tool life. Besides the tool-chip contact ... -
Öğrenci profili
(2005)Bolvadin Meslek Yüksekokulu öğrenclleri üzerinde blr anket yapılmıştır Ankete katılan 156 öğrenclnin aile ortamı, ekonomik durumu. kitap ve gazete okuma alışkanlığı, sosyal faaliyetlere katılması, barındığı yerler ve ...