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Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3
Dairesel ve prizmatik makine elemanlarında oluşan çatlağın deneysel modal analiz yöntemiyle belirlenmesi
(6 th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, 2011)The machine is used as the elements of circular prismatic parts and vibration response was measured under external forces. Cracks formed on a sample of each solid sample were compared with their response. For this ... -
Öğrenci profili
(2005)Bolvadin Meslek Yüksekokulu öğrenclleri üzerinde blr anket yapılmıştır Ankete katılan 156 öğrenclnin aile ortamı, ekonomik durumu. kitap ve gazete okuma alışkanlığı, sosyal faaliyetlere katılması, barındığı yerler ve ... -
Problem encountered in educating quanlified workforce in vocational high schools and solution seeking
(ICQH 2013 Proceedings Book, 03.12.2013)In this century, in which technological development proceeds, it is seen that manpower to work within production sector can not satisfy the expectations of sector. I>S a result, competition opportunities of companies ...