Effect of N2 + H2 gas mixtures in plasma nitriding on tribological properties of duplex surface treated steels
Thermo-reactive diffusion chromizing followed by pulsed plasma nitriding were carried out
on AISI 52100 and 8620 bearing steels. The chromized samples were pulse-plasma nitrided
for 5 h at 500 °C in various N2–H2 gas mixtures. The coated steels were characterized using
scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and microhardness testing. The
unlubricated wear behaviors of only chromized and duplex treated steels were
investigated in ball-on-disc system tests at room temperature. X-ray diffraction patterns
of the duplex treated samples containing H2 indicated the formation of dominant CrN and
Cr2N nitrides as well as the formation of Cr3C2 and Cr7C3 carbides. Gas mixtures in the
plasma nitriding, which was performed after chromizing, have a significant influence on the
wear rate of the duplex treated steels. The wear and friction tests showed that the lowest
friction coefficient and wear rates were observed for the samples duplex treated in a 50%N2+
50%H2 plasma. Conversely, the lowest wear resistance was observed on the samples duplex
treated in a gas mixture of 75%N2+ 25%H2, probably due to formation of a hard and brittle