Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Determination of the hygienic quality of tap waters of Afyonkarahisar province
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 30.06.2020)
In this study, the microbiological and chemical properties of drinking water taken from fountains in the city
center of Afyonkarahisar province were investigated. As a result, Escherichia coli was detected in 9 (22.5%) ...
Physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant capacity of traditional yogurt fortified with grape (vitis vinifera l.) seed extract at different levels
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 31.12.2019)
The aim of this study is to obtain the grape seed extract with high antioxidant activity and to investigate the
quality characteristics of traditional yogurts fortified with seed extracts at different concentrations. For ...
Farklı çimlendirme süreleriyle üretilen malt sirkelerin bazı kalite özellikleri
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 31.03.2020)
Bu çalışmada; kışlık arpalık maltlardan farklı çimlendirme süreleriyle üretilmiş üç farklı malt sirkesinin bazı kalite
özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Sirke örneklerinin kuru madde, asitlik, briks, kül, iletkenlik ve yoğunluk ...
Investigation of some physicochemical and microbiological quality parameters of toast cheese sold retail in Afyonkarahisar province
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 30.09.2019)
In this study, the physicochemical and microbiological quality of toast cheese offered for sale in markets in the
center of Afyonkarahisar province was examined. The acidity (pH) and water activity (aw) values of the ...
Effects of ice cream produced with lemon, mandarin and orange peel essential oils on some physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial properties
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 31.03.2019)
In this study, some physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial properties of ice cream produced with
essential oils obtained from lemon (L), mandarin (M), and orange (P) peels at different ratios (0.1%, 0.3%, and
0.5%) ...
Tin free still (TFS) ambalajlar i̇çerisinde satışa sunulan i̇çeceklerin üst kapaklarının mikrobiyolojik profili
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 30.06.2021)
Bu araştırmada marketlerde, büfelerde, kafelerde, vb. farklı zamanlarda satışa sunulan çeşitli içeceklerin üst kapaklarının mikrobiyal profilinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Ekim- Haziran ayları arasında toplam ...